2018-11-07 10:29:00


  Brief introduction to the school



  China Three Gorges University is a key comprehensive university of Hubei province which was established on June 29th, 2000 by the combination of the former Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering (Yichang) and the former Hubei Three Gorges Institute with the approval of Ministry of Education. China Three Gorges University is located in Yichang, Hubei Province, the world’s hydropower capital and the site of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River. As a sub-central city in Hubei Province, Yichang——one of the top ten livable cities in China, is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with green trees, beautiful environment and pleasant climate. The university, jointly built by the Ministry of Water Resources and the People’s Government of Hubei Province, belongs to the Outstanding Engineers Education Training Plan. The school was listed by the government as “a first-class university in China” in 2018. Water conservancy engineering, civil engineering and electrical engineering are listed as “domestic first-class discipline”.

  The university has 4 first-level doctoral programs, 1 post-doctoral mobile station, 25 first-level master’s programs, 22000 more full-time undergraduates, over 4200 doctoral candidate and postgraduate students, more than 1300 overseas students. There are more than 900 professors and associate professors, 120 doctoral supervisors, 80 experts at provincial and national levels.


  Forum information
















  12月27日 报到、安排住宿

  12月28日 论坛报告、学术交流

  12月29日 人才洽谈、签订意向性协议、离会



  联系电话: +86-0717-6392071

  电子邮箱: rcgcb@

  地址:湖北省宜昌市大学路8号 三峡大学人事处



  I.Brief introduction to the forum

  The Young Scholar Forum of China Three Gorges University aims to build an academic exchange platform for outstanding young scholars at home and abroad, carry out exchanges through special reports, academic discussion and talent negotiation, promote interdisciplinary and research cooperation, and vigorously advance the pace of the “double first-class” construction of the university.

  II. Qualification of invitations

  1. Doctor, with leading talent potential;

  2. Excellent young scholar with doctor’s degree who have worked in overseas famous universities, scientific research institutions, research and development institutions of well-known enterprises or have been engaged in post-doctoral research for 2 years or more;

  3. Excellent doctor from well-known universities at home or abroad;

  III. The subjects of the forum

  Mechanics, Hydraulic Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geological Resources and Geological Engineering, Science and Technology of Surveying and Mapping, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Materials Science and Technology, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Applied Economics, Preventive Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Preclinical Medicine or Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Drama and Television, Journalism and Communication, Chinese Language and Literature, Marxist Theory, Politics, Law, Public Administration, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Art Theory, Art, Design, Music and Dance, Sports, Foreign Language and Literature, Ethnology, History Anthropology and Anthropology.

  IV. Registration method

  1. Eligible young scholars are required to register on the platform before November 15th, 2018.

  2. The school will organize review to determine the final invitation list and send the invitation letter to the invited scholars before November 20th, 2018.

  3. Invited scholars shall fill in the return receipt within one week upon receiving the invitation letter and confirm whether to attend the meeting.

  V. Supporting measures

  Reimbursement of travel expenses: the school will arrange accommodation and meals uniformly during the forum, and invited personnel shall book economy class air tickets or train tickets. Reimbursement limit: Europe and America—15 thousand RMB per person; Asian country—10 thousand RMB per person; Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and the mainland—5 thousand RMB per person.

  VI. Date of the forum: December 27th—29th, 2018

  1. December 27th: report, accommodation arrangement;

  2. December 28th: forum report, academic exchange;

  3. December 29th: talents negotiation, signing of the intentional agreements, leaving the meeting;

  VII. Contact information

  Contact person of personnel department: Mr. Li, Mr. Wei

  Contact number: 0717-6392071


  Welcome young scholars at home and abroad to sign up and consult relevant details. For those who cannot take part in this forum, we sincerely welcome you to contact us and come to our school to exchange at an appropriate time.

  School website:


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